Main stage “Story Time” Event at the Lake Hopatcong Block Party, 2018

Margaret was a featured guest at the 2018 LHBP as she led “story time” from the main stage as three local students read an excerpt of her latest book, The Cat Cavalry’s Digging Adventure. The story’s setting is Lake Hopatcong, NJ! The readers were all 4th graders at Mount Arlington Public School. These same students participated in the editing process for this same book when they were 2nd graders at Edith M. Decker Elementary School. It was a full circle program and fun for all involved. Margaret did book signings for the remainder of the day and handed out complementary Cat Cavalry bookmarks, coloring pages and word searches. The LHBP is an annual event in the Lake Hopatcong, NJ area that boasts over 200 vendors and typically attracts two to three thousand visitors. It’s organized and run by the Lake Hopatcong Foundation, a foundation dedicated to protecting the lake environment and enhancing the lake experience.